Dmit Test

Dermatogilphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Dmit Test

What is DMIT ?

The full form of DMIT is, Dermatogilphics Multiple Intelligence Test. it is a scientific study associated with fingerprint patterns and brain lobes. This will helps in understanding a unique inborn potential and personality. DMIT Test Technique has long been developed by scientist Dr. Howard Gardner and medical experts.


DMIT Analysis will be based on Neuroscience and Multiple Intelligence Theory. Know Your Strength and weakness by DMIT Test Report based on Dermatoglyphics and brain analysis.

Dmit Test For Children

Age Group 3 to 10 Years

Know your child Inborn Talent. Identify best learning style for your child. Select Activities based upon their innate potential. Identify your child Multiple Intelligence. Improve relationship between parents and children.

DMIT Test For Student

Age Group 11 to 17 Years

Know your Personal Quotients, IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ. Know you’re analytical and creative Skills. Understand your intrinsic potential. Get your Preferred Learning Style based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.

DMIT For Career Guidence

Age group 16 years and above

Know Your Personality Types. Develop your core competencies. Recognize your Multiple Intelligence. Know your Strength and weakness based on MI Theory. Find the most suitable learning and leadership Qualities

DMIT Test For Adults

Age 25 years and above

Know your hidden talents. Improve your relationships with loved ones. Develop your understanding through better communications. Understand your Values and Characteristics .Improve your family relationships


DMIT Test For Employees

Corporates Human Resource

Find the right Employee for the right job. Pre-Employments Screening. Know your employee Personal potentials IQ-AQ-EQ-SQ-CQ. Discover Leadership, Planning and execution Qualities

DMIT Test For Teachers

School,College & Institutions

Identify your student inborn talents and weaknesses. Understand student natural character behaviors, Design
multi-modality teaching methods. Meet your student learning different styles and academic needs.

DMIT Vidoes

What Professional's Say About DMIT?

What is DMIT Test?

What Dr.Vivek Bindra Said About DMIT Test.

Medical Dr. feedback About DMIT Test.

DMIT Vidoes

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